and SuperCache will dramatically speed up Dragon NaturallySpeaking's
performance by means of SuperSpeed's patented virtual disk and disk
caching technology. This software, sometimes referred to as "RamDisk"
software, frees Dragon and other disk intensive applications to operate
at high memory speeds by placing program and application code in RAM.
system processor and memory speeds have continued to increase rapidly,
application performance is still constrained by slow disk and I/O speeds.
SuperSpeed® and SuperCache appear to the application as standard
hard disk drives, yet operate 100 times faster. Similar to automobile
manufacturers who compensated for sluggish engine performance by installing
TurboChargers, SuperSpeed® and SuperCache will TurboCharge your
Dragon NaturallySpeaking recognition engine.
do they work, and how are they different?
reads data from main memory at maximum speed. With SuperCache there
is a chance that the requested data will not be in the cache pool stored
in main memory. Therefore, SuperSpeed® will always be faster than
SuperCache accessing data sets that fit in memory. For data sets and
disk partitions that extend beyond RAM boundaries, SuperCache will offer
a higher performance solution.
(see more detailed descriptions below to determine which product is
right for your system)
Challenges Posed by Dragon NaturallySpeaking
NaturallySpeaking Professional/Med/Legal places a tremendous burden
on system resources due to the size of the program code and user vocabulary.
The need to continually access this data as dictation is taking place,
from a hard drive that is significantly slower then processor speeds,
can result in overall performance degradation. Recognition accuracy,
productivity, audio responsiveness, and command and control execution
can be severely compromised as a result of system latencies and I/O
as a result of program enhancements incorporated in Dragon NaturallySpeaking
7.0, such as the Acoustic and Vocabulary Optimizers, greater stress
will be placed upon system resources to execute these program features
concurrently with dictation and command and control. Unlike all previous
versions of Dragon's professional series, version 7.0 continually writes
optimizer files to disc in preparation for periodic optimization tune-ups.
In fact, in significant usage since its release, the Accudata engineering
staff has experienced optimization files in excess of 300MB. Again,
these files are being written to disc continually and concurrently during
each dictation session.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking is not only accessing its relevant data with
disk reads, but to satisfy the needs of the optimization process, it
is also writing significant data to disk at the same time. Given the
fact that even at 8ms. hard disk drives are operating 160,000 times
slower than processor and memory speeds, this huge disparity can only
result in performance degradation, inefficiencies, and unresponsiveness.
to the Rescue
SuperSpeed® and SuperCache provide Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional
an operating environment that virtually eliminates the bottlenecks and
latencies caused by sub-performing PC components. Both of these products
also provide a measure of safety by employing proprietary "write
to disk" data protection. The net result is blazing speed and
performance without compromising data security and integrity.
installed, SuperSpeed® and SuperCache are completely transparent
to all user and system applications. The only difference users will
notice is the increased speed and responsiveness of Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Professional and other disk intensive applications. No further action
by the system manager is required to obtain Super Performance automatically.
& Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional
upon boot up, copies an entire disk drive partition into RAM. All applications
and data that reside on that partition will now execute completely from
RAM. The hard drive partition from which this mirror image was created,
serves as a backing disk. This is known as "persistent disk".
Throughout the entire computing session, this relationship between the
hard disk partition and its mirror image residing in RAM is maintained.
Unlike pure RamDisk, which maintains no disk drive relationship, the
SuperSpeed® disk drive partition can be configured to continually
write to disk at predetermined, yet safe intervals. SuperSpeed's proprietary
device drivers are designed to handle these disk writes efficiently
with no system degradation.
SuperSpeed® creates a complete mirror image of a hard disk partition,
adequate RAM is required to compensate for the size of this hard drive
partition as well as the demands of the operating system and program
applications. On a typical Windows 2000 or Windows XP system, running
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional, RAM requirements would be no
less than 1GB and ideally 1.5GB. Typically, a single dictator using
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional will require hard disk partition
space of approximately 800MB. (Consult with your Dragon dealer for additional
information on this requirement.)
the presence of adequate RAM, SuperSpeed® is unquestionably the
most efficient way to run Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional.
During Accudata System's rigorous testing of this software over a two
month period of time, Dragon 7.0 performed with speed, efficiency, and
responsiveness. At no time, even with a substantial interval of time
between audio input, did Dragon not respond acoustically to speech input
by Microsoft, SuperSpeed® is available for the Windows NT, 2000,
XP operating systems.
& Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional
SuperSpeed®, SuperCache does not create a mirror image of an entire
hard disk partition. Rather, using its patented and award winning proprietary
caching schematic, SuperCache stores frequently accessed data in RAM.
The size of this cache pool is user configurable. One or more hard disk
partitions can be cached, and statistical benchmarks have demonstrated
that SuperCache is about 98% as efficient as SuperSpeed®. Additionally,
collateral benefits of overall system performance affect all concurrent
running applications.
makes SuperCache so special is that it employs a block caching technique.
Rather than cache an entire file (when your system might be calling
for only a portion of that file) which can contribute to system inefficiencies,
SuperCache will only cache that portion of the file for which historical
demand has been created. Within about 20 minutes after boot up, SuperCache
will establish a cache pool of frequently accessed data thereby eliminating
the need for incessant disk reads. And, similar to SuperSpeed, data
written to disk is completely protected.
SuperCache is completely straightforward and will not require the need
to restructure your hard drive to split off a separate hard drive partition.
However since caching the entire hard drive partition is SuperCache's
operational standard, it is highly recommended that only your critical
transactional data and programs reside on the cached partition.
requires Windows NT 4.0, 2000, and soon WinXPPro.(5/2003)
to SuperSpeed® as it is documented above, the engineering staff
at Accudata Systems/Voxcera experienced dramatically improved system
performance running Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional 7.0 with SuperCache.
To conduct this test, a separate partition of 2GB was created on which
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 6.0 and 7.0 were installed. SuperCache was
then configured to cache this partition only. Dragon NaturallySpeaking
was configured to load into the systray upon boot up. In the option
settings, the "most accurate" slider bar was set to give Dragon
NaturallySpeaking greater recognition accuracy. None of the options
that ScanSoft recommends be turned off to maximize system performance
were in fact turned off. Consequently, we chose to test the system
where the demand load on system resources would be the greatest.
Setup Parameters
The CPU used for testing purposes had the following specifications:
- Intel
Pentium 4 processor, 1.7 Ghz
- 768MB
Hard drive@5400 rpms
- Windows
2000 Professional
- Applications
running concurrently:Opt!® Professional Contact Manager, Microsoft
Word, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Image composer, Adobe Photoshop, P.C.
Paint, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, and Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Professional 7.0.
- SuperCache2000
Pro configuration: 128MB dedicated to cache, 8KB page size. (See
- Task
Manager Reports: 330MB of available physical RAM.
- NT
caching: turned off.
order to conduct a controlled test, we elected to run Dragon's Acoustic
Optimizer with SuperCache enabled and then subsequently disabled. Testing
was conducted on a number of passes using the exact file configuration
that existed for pass 1.
ScanSoft recommends that users run the Acoustic Optimizer at a time
when their computer is idle because of the system resource demands,
Accudata Systems experienced a 30% reduction in time required to complete
this process. Conducting a number of controlled tests with approximately
300MB of stored acoustical data and SuperCache enabled, the length of
time required to run the Acoustic Optimizer was reduced from 18 minutes
to11 minutes.
Dragon's overall responsiveness to acoustical input stimuli, was never
compromised during the entire testing process. During the actual testing
there were no discernible system latencies, with both dictation and
command-and-control executing flawlessly and instantaneously. Since
the introduction of Dragon Ver. 5.0 up through the current version,
system responsiveness can, under certain circumstances, be compromised
only because the demand upon system resources by Dragon is significantly
greater than most other applications. This phenomenon is, by no stretch
of the imagination, a program flaw or anomaly, rather simply a function
of resource supply and demand. Witnessed in the graphic below is the
efficiency with which Dragon Pro 7.0 operates using SuperCache. You
will note that the blue bar graph charts the statistical calls upon
the cache pool for vocabulary data during an actual dictation session.
At the very beginning of this dictation session, there was an equal
preponderance of disk data reads as evidenced by a higher spiking of
green. This chart represents the dictation session after approximately
20 minutes, demonstrating a dramatic reduction in disk reads and a breathtaking
escalation in cache hits. At this point in the dictation session,
Dragon is operating, almost exclusively in a RamDisk environment.