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SuperSpeed® and Dragon Naturally Speaking
    SuperSpeed® upon boot up, copies an entire disk drive partition into RAM. All applications and data that reside on that partition will now execute completely from RAM. The hard drive partition from which this mirror image was created, serves as a backing disk. This is known as "persistent disk". Throughout the entire computing session, this relationship between the hard disk partition and its mirror image residing in RAM is maintained. Unlike pure RamDisk, which maintains no disk drive relationship, the SuperSpeed disk drive partition can be configured to continually write to disk at predetermined, yet safe intervals. SuperSpeed's proprietary device drivers are designed to handle these disk writes efficiently with no system degradation.

Because SuperSpeed® creates a complete mirror image of a hard disk partition, adequate RAM is required to compensate for the size of this hard drive partition as well as the demands of the operating system and program applications. On a typical Windows 2000 or Windows XP system, running Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional, RAM requirements would be no less than 1GB and ideally 1.5GB. Typically, a single dictator using Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional will require hard disk partition space of approximately 800MB. (Consult with your Dragon dealer for additional information on this requirement.)

Given the presence of adequate RAM, SuperSpeed® is unquestionably the most efficient way to run Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional. During Voxcera's rigorous testing of this software over a two month period of time, Dragon 7.0 performed with speed, efficiency, and responsiveness. At no time, even with a substantial interval of time between audio input, did Dragon not respond acoustically to speech input stimulus.

Voxcera's professionals will assist you in maximizing your SuperSpeed® installation.

Certified by Microsoft, SuperSpeed is available for the Windows NT/2000/XP OS

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Accudata Systems

TAP 'N TALK® is a registered trademark of Voxcera
SuperSpeed® is a registered trademark of SuperSpeed Software, Inc.

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